
You can install the Kate Emulator in almost every modern device that has a modern web browser. You can also install the Kate Emulator natively on Windows and Linux (including Steam OS and Chrome OS). MacOS support will come soon.

The Web version can be installed as a Web Application on supported browsers: Chrome (desktop and Android), Safari (iOS*), and Edge (Windows 10+). Installing the web application will allow you to run Kate offline, but you’ll have less integration with the underlying device.

The currently recommended installation options are, in order:

Web Application#

If you just want to try Kate out, the developers maintain a public version of the application that you can access on any device. Just open on your browser.

Note that, for security and debugging purposes, all accesses to the public instance are logged (including IP addresses and similar information your device sends to the server when connecting). This information is retained for the time needed to address security and debugging issues.

The public instance has plans for maintenance for at least until 2028.

Running your own Kate instance#

Rather than depending on the public instance, you can run your own private Kate instance on any server. To do so, please download from the Kate Releases page on GitHub, then put the contents of this archive in your server.

If you don’t know how to run a web server (or would rather not manage a server on your own) but still want the added control and privacy of having your own Kate instance, services like Cloudflare’s Pages, Netlify, or Digital Ocean’s App Platform will let you upload the zip file above and get a managed server. Be sure to check their usage prices and compare before you sign up for anything. Other similar managed services exist elsewhere.


Kate must absolutely be served over HTTPS, with a valid SSL certificate. Managed services will generally handle this for you automatically, but if you’re running your own server you’ll need to configure a proper HTTPS connection yourself. Most of the browser APIs that Kate relies are not available over unencrypted HTTP.

Installing as a PWA#

You can install any web instance of Kate as a Progressive Web App (PWA). This will allow you to run Kate even when you’re not connected to the internet, as all files and data needed are installed locally on your device. This is the only option to have an offline experience in mobile phones.

To install Kate as a PWA you first access your Kate instance on a supported browser and operating system, then:

  • On Windows 10+: open the page in Microsoft Edge, then choose Apps -> Install site as an app from the menu;

  • On Android: open the page in Google Chrome, then choose Install app from the menu;

  • On Chrome for Windows/Linux: you’ll find the Install button in the address bar;

  • On iOS: you can use the Add to Home Screen under the “share” option in the browser;

You might also be prompted to install the page as an App when you first visit it.

Web applications on Steam Deck#

If you run Chrome on Steam Deck you’ll be able to install Kate as an App, and then have it added to your Steam library as a “non-steam game”. This allows you to access Kate directly from Steam’s gaming mode, and consequently play any Kate game from there as well.

However, Chrome runs using Flatpak by default, and the sandbox configuration is a bit too restrictive for installing Kate properly. Enabling Kate in Steam Deck’s gaming mode thus takes a little bit of effort and some being comfortable with running commands in the command line. All of the configuration below has to be done in the Deck’s desktop mode.


Though this mentions Chrome, the same goes for Firefox or Microsoft Edge if they’re running as a Flatpak. You’ll need to replace the parts with the unique id of another browser (e.g.:

Allow Chrome to create application configurations for installed PWAs:

By default Chrome ships with little file system access, which is a good default, but that default also prevents you from having application shortcuts for installed PWAs created directly.

To address this you can either give Chrome access to write files in the ~/.local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/icons directories:

$ flatpak override --user --filesystem=~/.local/share/applications:create
$ flatpak override --user --filesystem=~/.local/share/icons:create

Or you can create the .desktop file for your PWA manually in ~/.local/share/applications`. For example, creating a Kate.desktop file in that folder with a text editor, you can have it look like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=flatpak run --command=/app/bin/chrome --profile-directory=Default --app= --start-fullscreen --no-default-browser-check

The additional --start-fullscreen and --no-default-browser-check are optional, but you’ll usually want to run Kate in fullscreen on the Deck. The --no-default-browser-check flag just suppresses Chrome asking you to make it your default browser.

Allow Chrome to read the Steam gamepad input (and other devices):

By default Chrome will not have access to read gamepad input because it interacts with gamepads through udev and the flatpak does not grant access to it (on the basis of the API being unstable).

Since Steam Deck is a fairly specific device with a fairly specific OS, you can give Chrome read-only access to it to get the gamepad working.

$ flatpak --override --user --filesystem=/run/udev:ro
Add Kate to your library as a non-Steam game:

To launch Kate from the Deck’s gaming mode you’ll need to add it to your Steam library as a non-Steam game. To do so, open the Steam client in desktop mode, then in the bottom left click “Add a Game”, and select “Add a Non-Steam Game”.

From the list that opens search for Kate (or the name you gave it if you wrote your own .desktop file), mark the checkbox beside the name, and click “Add selected Programs”.

That’s it, you can go back to gaming mode.

Make sure you can control Kate properly:

When you first launch Kate it’ll likely be in handheld mode. First, make sure the controller layout for Kate is set to Gamepad with Mouse Trackpad, as otherwise you won’t be able to use the pointer input some games (e.g.: Ren’Py visual novels) rely on.

Also note that if you haven’t given the browser access to udev you’ll need to configure your own layout that sends keyboard input to Kate instead. Even if you use Steam’s built-in template, it might be useful to assign some of the back buttons to Enter and Escape because the Deck’s file picker is a bit annoying to use with the trackpad.

Once you can control Kate with the Steam gamepad, press Berry button (Berry button) (the menu button on the right of the Deck), then select Settings -> User Interface and switch to Fullscreen Mode.

If you’re used to Steam’s gamepad layout you might also want to swap Ok button (a.k.a. O) and Cancel button (a.k.a. X) in Settings -> Controller & Sensors -> Control Kate with a standard gamepad -> Configure standard mapping. By default you confirm things in Kate with the B button on the Deck, and cancel with A, but Steam OS uses the opposite configuration out of the box.


Using the public Kate instance is practical, but depends on a website that is external to your device. It’s not the recommended option for video game archival.

The security properties depend on the domain it uses ( taking you to the same computer for ever. Since the authors of Kate are neither immortal nor immune to financial problems, it’s less clear if they would still own and maintain the domain after 5 years.

In the less bad scenario, the domain is not renewed, and the Kate emulator stops working as soon as you clear the cached files. In the worse scenario, a domain takeover (where e.g.: someone else buys the domain and routes it to a different computer) would allow the attacker to have access to all information locally stored in Kate in your device, and any additional permissions you’ve granted the domain; this poses a significant risk, but the risk applies to web sites in general.

To avoid these issues you might consider running your own Kate instance. You’d follow the same instructions to install it as a PWA, but with the domain pointing to your instance, of course.

Native application#

Kate can run as a native application by using Electron. These releases are currently unsandboxed and unsigned. This means that they will have fairly wide access to your device and will trigger a warning about the lack of code signature.

Pre-built versions of Kate are released on GitHub. You’ll need to download the right compressed archive for your OS and CPU architecture, then extract it somewhere in your computer. After that you’ll be able to run the Kate emulator from the provided executable.

You can also build Kate from source yourself.

Windows 10 (or more recent)#

  1. Download one of the following:

    • — for Intel/AMD 64-bit processors (e.g.: Intel i7);

    • — for ARM 64-bit processors (e.g.: Microsoft SQ1);

  2. Extract the zip somewhere in your computer;

    • You can right-click the file and choose Extract all...;

  3. Run Kate.exe;


Windows 8 and earlier are not officially supported, however you can try Building from source yourself.

Linux (including SteamOS and Raspberry Pi)#

  1. Download one of the following:

    • kate-linux-x64.tar.gz — for Intel/AMD 64-bit processors (e.g.: Intel i7, Steam Deck);

    • kate-linux-armv7l.tar.gz — for ARMv7 32-bit processors (e.g.: Raspberry Pi 3);

    • kate-linux-arm64.tar.gz — for ARM 64-bit processors (e.g.: Raspberry Pi 4 and 5);

  2. Extract the file somewhere in your computer;

    • You can run something like tar -xzf kate-linux-x64.tar.gz in the terminal;

  3. Run kate;

How do I know what’s my CPU architecture?#

Your CPU architecture will likely match your OS architecture. On Windows you can check your OS architecture by going to Settings -> System -> About, then checking your System type in the device specifications. On Linux you can run uname -m in the terminal.

For Kate’s purposes, x86_64 and x64 are the same thing. If you see x86_64, it means you have an Intel-compatible 64-bit processor, and should download the x64 version of Kate.

Another way of checking your processor’s architecture is to open in a Chromium-based browser (Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave, etc.), press Berry button (Berry button), then select About Kate. Your processor architecture should be listed under Host -> Architecture.

Caveats of pre-built binaries#

The pre-built binaries are not code-signed. This means that the OS cannot verify where it came from, and modern Windows versions will warn you about this.

The releases are generated with node make release:win:all and node make release:linux:all. You can always try building from source yourself to be more assured of its provenance.

Pre-built binaries do not themselves run in a sandbox. This means that the operating system will not restrict what the native binary can do, and will instead grant it all permissions your user has. In the case Electron or Chromium (the technologies that Kate uses) are compromised, they can cause significant damage to your computer. One goal of the stable release is to have the OS sandbox the whole native binary to avoid this, but we’re not there yet.

Kate itself and all cartridges are sandboxed using Chromium’s sandbox, so in the event that Kate is compromised, or you run a malicious cartridge, there is likely little damage they can do to your computer.

Building from source#

Building Kate from source allows you to audit the code and have more assurance about the provenance of all its components. To compile Kate you’ll need to have Node.js 18 or more recent installed.


Before you can build Kate you’ll need to prepare your environment and download the applications it depends on to build. This can be done automatically by running the included bootstrap script:

$ node support/bootstrap.js --npm-install --download-electron --unzip-electron --build

You’ll need Extract-Archive on Windows’ PowerShell, or unzip on MacOS/Linux for this to work.

To bootstrap manually, you’ll need the glob and typescript packages for Node.js, and you’ll need Electron 26.3.0. You can download the right electron-*.zip for your OS/architecture from the Electron releases page, then extract it to the electron/ directory.

Note that some sub-packages also have dependencies that need to be installed. See the dependencies task in make.js for what to do if you want to avoid any network requests.

Building Kate#

After setting up you can run node make all to build all Kate components:

$ node make all

This will give you a working Kate emulator. You can try it by either running node make desktop:run (to run it as an Electron app), or starting a server on the www/ folder (node make server:start works) and pointing a modern browser there.

You should see a screen similar to the screenshot below. Download the file from the Kate releases page, extract it, then drag-and-drop any of the .kart files over the console to install. Open the cartridge to check if you can play cartridges correctly.

Generating native builds#

Under Windows you can run the following to generate a Kate release:

$ node make release:win:x64

Under Linux you can run the following to generate a Kate release:

$ node make release:linux:x64

Both of these will download Electron from the Electron releases page on GitHub. If you’d rather do that manually, either download the zip file or compile Electron from source yourself, then place the zip in the .cache folder, with the same name as the one in the releases page.


The same caveats as with the pre-built binaries applies. Electron in itself is unsandboxed, only the Kate kernel and cartridge processes run inside of a sandbox.

Compatibility matrix#

Web version#

We aim to support the latest version of all mainstream browsers. The web version of Kate has been tested and runs on the following browsers:


Version supported

Device/OS tested

Microsoft Edge


Windows 10 x64, Windows 11 x64

Google Chrome


Windows 11 x64, Ubuntu 20.04 x64



Windows 11 x64



Windows 11 x64

Chrome for Android


Android 9, Android 13


Safari on iOS is currently unsupported as Apple does not implement the file system standard. Kate’s cartridge installation depends on this API to have reasonable memory usage and proper storage isolation. A work-around for this (with higher memory usage on iOS) should happen before the stable release if Apple doesn’t fix their implementation first.

Video capture on iOS is also currently unsupported due to Apple not implementing support for webm.

Installing the web app works in the following device/OSs:

  • Android: only with Chrome for Android;

  • Windows 10+: only with Microsoft Edge;

  • Chrome (Desktop): supported on Windows and Linux;

  • iOS: only with Safari;

Native version#

The native version works on Windows 10+ (x64 and ARM64 architectures), and on Linux (x64, ARM64, and ARMv7L). It should work on MacOS (x64 and ARM64) as well, but it’s not tested and there are no pre-built binaries provided yet for it.

Testing of the native version has been done on the following operating systems:

  • Windows:

    • Windows 10 (x64);

    • Windows 11 (x64);

  • Linux:

    • Ubuntu 20.04 (x64);

    • Raspbery Pi OS (based on Debian 11) (ARMv7L, ARM64);

Pre-built binaries do not work on Windows 8 and earlier because Google has stopped supporting those versions in Chromium.