#K0006 — Cartridge signatures#





Last updated:



Design in progress


First draft

Proof of Concept

Stable implementation



Kate cartridges are not distributed via a centrally veto-ed place, but rather can be distributed through any medium, by any party. That said, security properties in Kate directly depend on asking the player to make a risk and trust assessment of the developer of the cartridge, and thus we need to be able to provide enough assurance on the provenance of the cartridge.

To this end Kate relies on digital signatures. Cartridges are signed by at least the developer, and may be further vouched for by other parties. A centrally veto-ed and publicly available repository of public signatures then handles the additional tying of a public key to a verified identity, so the information can be provided to players when making risk decisions about what capabilities to grant and which cartridges to trust.

The lifecycle of a cartridge goes roughly as follows:

  1. The publisher registers their ownership of a domain by uploading their public key;

  2. The Kate Signature Repository service downloads the public key from the publisher’s domain and signs it into the set of publicly known publisher keys, as ownership of the domain has been proven.

  3. The publisher creates a cartridge and signs it with their private key. This provides to the players a way of assuring that the cartridge comes from the domain it specifies;

  4. The player installs the cartridge. Kate verifies the signature in the cartridge using the public key associated with that domain.

    1. If there’s no signature in the cartridge, the player is notified that the cartridge is not signed, and higher-risk capabilities cannot be granted without additional confirmation.

    2. If the public key that verifies the signature has been invalidated, the player is notified that the cartridge might have been compromised, and any capability cannot be granted without additional confirmation.

  5. If the domain or private key are compromised, the publisher signs a key invalidation request so players are aware of the issue.

Technical details#

Kate uses a binary cartridge format (documented in #F0002 — KART cartridges), and this format allows embedding multiple signatures by specifying the signee and the public key identifier of that signee. When accepting cartridges (e.g.: installing in the console, submitting to the catalog), they must be verified against the public repository of digital signatures for the validity of the stated identities vouching for the cartridge.

Cartridges are signed with ECDSA keys (using a P-384 curve and SHA-512 hashing). When signing and verifying a cartridge, we consider only the Metadata binary blob, as encoded from LJT, without taking into account any signatures. That is the metadata is considered with its signature field set to the empty list. That means that all signees would sign the same binary representation. Note that it’s important that the binary encoding of the metadata is not changed, and thus for signing and verification LJT’s automatic patches must be disabled.

Kate requires at least the developer of the cartridge to vouch for it. This is done by considering the namespace part of the cartridge identifier, which points to a domain name. A separate service must keep track of public keys made available in the known domain names used to publish Kate cartridges, and it must make those public keys available in a centrally veto-ed and publicly available repository. This repository must be accessible via CORS, as it needs to be accessible in the web version of Kate as well. Notwithstanding, critical keys (i.e.: those used to sign cartridges using critical-risk capabilities and Kernel resources) must be distributed within the console’s trusted code and not depend on external network connections.

Key management is partially out of scope of this document. However, since keys are associated with domain names, and domain names are ephemeral markers of identity (e.g.: they might cease to be associated with the previous owner in case they don’t renew the domain), we must offer a way of marking a domain as invalid for ownership verification purposes — we do so by asking the previous owner to sign a message to terminate the domain tracking after a specific date. In this case all public keys registered after the cutoff date are invalidated, and the domain is no longer tracked for new public keys.

Because private keys may also be compromised, we need a way of invalidating previously published public keys when this happens. To do so a special invalidation key should be generated when generating the private key and its public key registered as the invalidation key. A message can then be signed with this invalidation key to invalidate the pair of public keys.

Finally, cartridges may be partially verified (i.e.: not all signees could be verified). In this case it is up to the verifying process to decide how to communicate this failure mode to the player. Players should be able to run a cartridge that has only been partially verified, but they must acknowledge the risks first. This is necessary for video game preservation, as keys might have been invalidated at future dates.

Key generation and distribution#

Cartridges are signed with ECDSA keys (using the P-384 curve). However these are generated is out of scope for this document, but there are three ways in which public keys used to verify the signatures are to be distributed.

First, keys for critical capability accesses are to be handled by a manual review process and included directly in Kate’s distribution. This means that these keys will have a hard-coded identity and invalidation key in Kate, thus the identity verification process is up to maintainers; this is only meant to cover public keys maintainers themselves use to sign core Kate components, such as core tooling applications and Kernel components.

Second, for game/application developer keys, they are to be distributed through the domain that is associated with the game. Kate cartridge identifiers are comprised of a <domain-name>/<unique-name> pair, so by distributing the key through the given domain name we can verify ownership of that namespace, which here is a weaker form of identity verification — we don’t need to associate the cartridge with a physical entity, we just need to inform the player if the cartridge truly comes from the source it specifies in its identifier.

There’s a risk that domain names change hands, or that keys are compromised, so in this case too we need to be able to invalidate the domain part or the key part of that identity.

Kate key-store#

Kate maintains an internal key-store that contains private and public keys needed by the user. Private keys are stored encrypted with a user-provided password, whereas public keys are stored in plain form.

Keys can be retrieved from the store only by the Kernel, for a subset of components. It is the responsibility of those components to make sure a private key doesn’t linger in memory for longer than it needs to be.

The store is divided into different purposes:

  • Trusted keys: static set of keys shipped with Kate.

  • Publisher keys: dynamic set of keys associated with domain names.

  • Invalidated keys: dynamic set of keys built when any key is invalidated, for auditing and warning purposes.

Trusted keys#

Trusted keys are keys used to sign trusted components (e.g.: Kernel components, applications that require critical capability access). These keys are used for vouching for a cartridge or component, so they are not associated with a domain name.

These are listed in a trusted-keys.json file along with an identification of who the signees of that key are. We assume Kate files live in a secure and isolated file system environment, where other applications cannot modify its contents.

Publisher keys#

Publisher keys are used to verify that the source of the cartridge can be fully traced back to its domain name counter-part. We verify these keys by asking owners to upload the keys to their domain and expose it under a well-known endpoint. Once verified, they are added to a list of known public keys that the console uses, and this list is signed with one of the console’s trusted keys.

This gives publishers freedom to maintain their online identity and associate it with cartridges, while also giving Kate something useful to work with when presenting publisher information to the player for risk assessments. Allowing the list to be signed by a trusted key allows it to not be maintained centrally, while also allowing for revocations to be issued.

Invalidated keys#

Invalidated keys are used to notify the player that a cartridge cannot be proven to have been produced by the expected owner, even though its signature can be verified with the public key we know, because we no longer believe that the private key is exclusively known by the expected owner.

Publishers can invalidate keys by submitting an invalidation request by signing the message with their private key. The invalidation request includes a signature of the public key, the domain, and the reason for the invalidation as an enumeration (compromised-key or compromised-domain).

In case of a compromised domain, the domain itself is invalidated and no new keys are allowed to be registered for it, as well as invalidating all registered keys for that domain.

Key registry#

The key registry is a repository of all keys used to sign Kate cartridges that is available for the public domain and signed with the trusted key for the registry (whose public key is statically known to all Kate instances).

The registry is made out of JSON files in chunks of 1024 keys, stored as a signed linked list. A client can replay the registry by taking the latest chunk, following all links until it finds one it has already consumed or reach the root of the set. Then replaying all entries in sequence.

The following format is used:

type Chunk = {
  previous: null | {
    file: path,
    hash: SHA-512 signature of the previous chunk file
    hash-algorithm: "SHA-512"
  last-update: ISO-8601 date/time string
  entries: Entry[]
  signature: sign({previous, last-update, entries}) with registry key

type Entry =
  | Key-added
  | Key-invalidated

type Key-added = {
  type: "key-added"
  key: JWK public key
  domain: domain part string
  registered_at: ISO-8601 UTC date/time string
  hash: sha256-hash({type, key, domain, registered_at})

type Key-invalidated = {
  type: "key-invalidated"
  reason: "compromised-key" | "compromised-domain"
  key: JWK public key
  domain: domain part string
  invalidated_at: ISO-8601 UTC date/time string
  proof: sign({key, domain, reason, invalidated_at}) with publisher key
  hash: sha256-hash({type, reason, key, domain, invalidated_at, proof})

Wherever sign is specified here, we assume the signature of those fields encoded as JSON with no spaces or indentation.

The registry is a trusted service. One must trust that the keys added or invalidated in the registry come from legit requests from publishers, and that the correct validation has been performed on the registry side when associating a key with a domain (i.e.: to ensure the owner of the key also owns the domain).

Entries in the registry have set semantics. That is, their particular ordering is irrelevant. A client consuming the registry will know they have the latest state when they’ve applied the whole set of entry hashes, in any order. The addition and invalidation work in a similar way to a 2P-Set CRDT, so additions and invalidations are tracked as separate sets you can only add data to, but never remove.

Since, unlike in signed chain registries, the Kate key registry does not have a total order or signatures on this total order, entries can be added or removed anywhere, at any point in time, as long as they’re signed with the registry’s key. To address the auditing concerns, the public registry must have an open source implementation and have all changes to the registry committed to a public git repository. This makes it possible for third parties to independently audit changes to the registry.

The registry server#

A registry server is any service that allows publishers to register their public keys and verify that those public keys do indeed belong to the publisher, so that they can add or invalidate the keys in the registry records.

In essence, a registry server can be thought of as follows:

Server s :: { signing-key
            , work-queue
            , registry

Operation op ::
  | register-domain(domain)
  | invalidate-key(request)
  | commit()
  | all-keys()
  | all-keys-for(domain)

And the operations can be defined as follows:


s.register-domain(d) when d is not in s.work-queue =
  add d to s.work-queue

When someone registers a domain update, we simply add it to the server’s work queue. We’ll get to that domain eventually once the server’s commit operation runs.


s{work-queue = []}.commit() =

s{work-queue = [d, ...]}.commit() =
  let page = first-of (fetch(d / kate.txt) | fetch(d))
  let key = extract public key in PEM format from page's text
  ensure the key is unique within the registry
    -- if the key belongs to another domain, this is an error
    -- if the key is already associated with the domain, do nothing
  add key to the registry, associating it with d
  s{work-queue = [...]}.commit()

That is, within a commit loop we’ll process the work-queue and fetch the public key either from a dedicated place in the remote server, or by parsing the HTML response from the server and looking for a public key in PEM format.

In case this key is an actual addition to the registry, we’ll add a new signed entry to the registry for that key, and continue processing the queue.


s.invalidate-key({key, domain, time, reason, proof}) =
  ensure key has not yet been invalidated and exists in the registry
  verify the proof signature against our known key for that domain
  add an invalidated entry for the key to the registry

That is, in a key invalidation request we just make sure that the proof provided is valid and actually refers to a key/domain entry that we have in the registry. If that’s the case, the entry is added to the registry mostly as-is.

s.all-keys() and s.all-keys-for(domain)#

s.all-keys() =
  registry paginated in 1024 entries chunks

s.all-keys-for(domain) =
  (registry filtered by domain) in 1024 entries chunks

Both all-keys and all-keys-for return a complete registry in the format specified above. The only difference is that all-keys-for only returns entries that are associated with the provided domain.

How is this feature dangerous?#

Kate relies on signatures to tell users about provenance and allow them to tie their risk assessment decisions to a known entity. Therefore it’s important that these signatures can be used to provide that kind of link between the cartridge and the publisher. Here we consider risks from users’, publishers, the registry, and Kate’s perspectives.

Signatures only prove domain ownership:

When a user makes a risk assessment for granting capabilities to a cartridge, they need to know who they’re trusting, but signatures in Kate only prove domain ownership, which is not sufficient for this assessment.

Kate communicates what is verified (the domain) by showing the whole domain on the capability grant screen. Capability risks are described independently. This doesn’t provide an actual entity for trust, but it helps users focus on the capability risks rather than the domain itself.

Because indie games are generally self-published by smaller developers attaching a person or studio’s name would not improve much over the domain verification, but would significantly raise the bar for anyone wanting to publish to Kate.

Compromised publisher keys:

If the private key of a publisher is compromised, then we cannot attest that cartridges signed with it must come from that publisher anymore. Users installing such cartridges risk being tricked into giving stronger capabilities to attackers based on previous good experiences with the publisher.

The registry allows for key invalidation. A publisher may notify the registry that their key was compromised by signing an invalidation request, which is then propagated to all Kate devices. When a cartridge signed with an invalidated key is installed, the user will be notified that the cartridge cannot be verified and specify the invalidation reason, which the user can then rely on for risk assessment.

Compromised publisher domain:

Because Kate associates keys with domains, and because domain ownership is ephemeral, a publisher’s verified domain may be compromised for several different reasons. For each of these reasons we risk a third party registering keys that are otuside of the publisher’s control. These can then be used to publish cartridges that abuse the publisher’s reputation for privilege escalation, tricking the user into granting more capabilities than the attacker would generally enjoy.

The registry allows for domain invalidation. A publisher may notify the registry that their domain was compromised by signing an invalidation request, which is then propagated to all Kate devices. When a cartridge with an invalidated domain is installed, regardless of being signed, the user will be notified that the cartridge cannot be verified because the domain has been compromised; the user can then rely on that additional information when making their own risk assessment.

Complicated publisher onboarding:

In order to publish cartridges for Kate, a publisher needs to:

  • Own an internet domain;

  • Generate a cryptographic private/public signing key pair;

  • Upload the public signing key to their internet domain;

  • Sign all cartridges with their private key;

  • Keep their private key safe and backed up.

Given Kate’s developer audience are neither cryptographers nor computer science students, this is a very involved process which makes it hard for regular people to publish their small games.

To mitigate this there will be a separate onboarding effort where most of the steps here can be automated. To make it more financially accessible, we also allow people to use their existing online accounts in publishing platforms as an “internet domain they own”, so long as they can provide their public key there.

Unavailability of the registry:

Because the registry is an online service, it’s possible that it becomes unreachable by Kate clients for a host of reasons (including the client itself not having public internet connection).

All clients synchronise data from the registry to their own local database, so signature verifications happens entirely locally. A client will always be able to verify a signature without having a connection to the registry, however it might not have the latest state at that point in time and report that the signature cannot be verified if its key addition has not yet been sync’d. This is an acceptable risk in a decentralised system.

Unbounded registry growth:

Because the registry accepts an association of any domain with any number of keys, it can grow to unbounded lengths and is particularly susceptible to attacks that aim to make it unusable by overloading the registry with junk data.

Since the only entry-point for new data in the registry is the register-domain operation, we can control which entries we allow by either manual (e.g.: through an invite queue system) or automatic veto (e.g.: by checking that the domain is “reasonably publisher-ish”). These must be considered if domain registration is open to anyone.

Malicious key invalidation/addition requests:

If a key or domain is compromised, then the attacker may register or invalidate keys in the registry as if they were the publisher who previously owned that domain.

Kate errs on the side of being cautious here and therefore cannot mitigate this issue. This means that once a publisher’s key/domain has been compromised, there’s no way to mark it as “un-compromised”, and the publisher must choose a new key/domain.

Registry compromised:

The registry is signed with the registry server’s key, which is trusted by all Kate clients by default. If this key or ther registry are compromised, then an attacker would be able to fabricate publisher key entries that would be then trusted by the Kate clients.

There’s no provision in the registry or Kate to handle this. Rather, the registry’s key must be rotated, a new Kate client must be published trusting the new public key, and the existing publisher keys in the key store must be flushed in favour of re-sync’ing them from the registry.

Unreasonable registry sizes for sync’ing:

Even if the registry grows in a manageable pace, it may still become too big for Kate clients to hold the state locally. A registry taking gigabytes of storage space is unreasonable if most users will only need a few keys from it.

Clients should allow users to switch from locally-stored complete registries to on-demand sync’ing. In this sense the client queries the registry for keys of a specific domain upon cartridge installation, rather than before. This means that verification requires users to be online.