
Games made with GameMaker can run on Kate when using the HTML5 export option.

Build configuration#

The minimal configuration for a GameMaker game looks like this:

  "id": "my-namespace/my-game",
  "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0},
  "metadata": {
    "presentation": {
      "author": "Me",
      "title": "My Game",
      "tagline": "A GameMaker game"
  "platform": {
    "type": "web-archive",
    "html": "index.html",
    "recipe": {
      "type": "gamemaker",
      "pointer_support": true,
      "hide_cursor": false

Bridges used#

This recipe includes the following bridges:

  "bridges": [
    { "type": "network-proxy", "sync_access": ["*.js"] },
    { "type": "keyboard-input-proxy-v2", "mapping": "defaults", "selector": "#canvas" },
    { "type": "pointer-input-proxy", "selector": "#canvas", "hide_cursor": false },
    { "type": "capture-canvas", "selector": "#canvas" },
    { "type": "preserve-webgl-render" }

The point-input-proxy depends on whether you’ve enabled pointer_support in your recipe configuration or not. If your game uses other features and APIs, you might need to specify additional bridges in the platform section, as usual; those will take precedence over the default recipe configuration.

Included files#

By default the recipe will include all files that are generated for a default GameMaker project. If you need other files, you’ll have to include them in the files section manually.

The default file patterns are:

  "files": [

Note that this does not include the *.mp3 files which GameMaker duplicates on export for Apple devices. That would double the size of the cartridge and increase significantly the time required to install it. Kate will support decoding of OGG sound files on Apple devices in the future natively, so there’s no need to add proprietary formats.