#K0005 — Partitioned File Storage#





Last updated:



Design in progress


First draft

Proof of Concept

Stable implementation



Kate has two distinct needs for storing arbitrary binary data under well-known names:

  • Reliably persistent data: E.g.: cartridge data needs to be available for as long as the player is able to launch that cartridge, thus needs a reliable and persistent backing storage.

  • Ephemeral work area for large data: E.g.: the importer needs to access files from a ZIP archive to process them into a Kate cartridge.

A backing file store must thus address these two use cases while also making sure that we guarantee all other security and privacy guarantees Kate has. That is, data must be partitioned to the processes that own them, with no way of distinct processes to forge access to these pieces of data.

To that end we introduce a new file backing storage on top of the Origin Private File System API that uses content-addressed binaries in distinct buckets, which are also divided into distinct “lifecycle” partitions.

Keep in mind that we need:

  • Partitioned lifecycle: All buckets are subject to be garbage collected once there are no more references to it, but the frequency of garbage collection might vary.

  • Strong capabilities: Buckets can only be accessed by the owning process, and they must be handed a capability for it — there must be no way of forging capabilities for arbitrary buckets (i.e.: no root directory accessible from the process).

  • Memory friendly: Since we will be using the storage for large binaries, the API must allow interacting with this storage using bounded memory.

Surface interface#

interface FileStore {
  get_partition(name: string): Promise<Partition>;
  from_key(key: PersistentKey): Promise<{partition: Partition, bucket: Bucket}>;
  gc(): Promise<void>;

interface Partition {
  create(): Promise<Bucket>;
  get(id: BucketId): Promise<Bucket>;
  release(bucket: Bucket): void;
  release_persistent(key: PersistentKey): void;
  persist(bucket: Bucket): PersistentKey;

interface Bucket {
  put(data: ArrayBuffer): Promise<File>;
  file(id: FileId): File;

interface File {
  id: FileId;
  read(): Uint8Array;
  delete(): void;

Note the lack of explicit deletion for buckets: they’re garbage collected automatically once there are no more references to it!

Ephemeral and persistent buckets#

All buckets start their life as ephemeral ones — they’re kept alive for as long as there are in-memory references to them, and they’re garbage collected as soon as no in-memory references to them remain. Like with regular programming language garbage collection, bucket garbage collection is not observable by the code, since as far as code is concerned there’s no way of getting to the bucket anymore. Kate also does not expose storage space metrics to regular code, which must assume the user has “an unlimited supply of storage space”.

Buckets can however be promoted to a persistent bucket. Persistent buckets are “ephemeral” buckets that have long-lived in-storage references. For example, buckets backing cartridge data start as ephemeral ones during installation, and progress to persistent just before the cartridge is reified in the database. From that point on, the bucket is only garbage collected if no in-memory and in-storage references to it remain.

For tracking in-storage references Kate does a best-effort of managing the reference counter manually from the reference holders — e.g.: during cartridge installation the cartridge manager service will manually release the persistent reference it holds in storage. But the garbage collection process will also ocasionally scan its persistent buckets and check if the persistent references it knows about are still pointing back to the bucket. This means that even if the reference is not manually released, e.g.: if an installation process fails between persisting the bucket and persisting the cartridge in the database, the next time the garbage collector runs it’ll notice that there’s no database recording pointing back, and it’ll adjust the reference counter accordingly, most likely resulting in the bucket being collected.

Persistent references#

A PersistentKey or persistent reference is a reference stored on both the bucket side and the persistent storage side. This includes details on the process or service that holds the persistent reference, and allows the garbage collector to verify if that reference is still valid, thus getting around issues with unreliable reference counting, and also helping in detecting storage leaks.

It’s defined as a sum type of with a unique tag for each service, plus the details the service needs to verify if the reference is still valid. For example, cartridge data buckets are persisted with the cartridge identifier and version, which means that the garbage collector can point to the cartridge manager where it should look for the reference. It also includes the partition id and bucket id, which allows the garbage collector to know if the holder of that reference is pointing back to the exact bucket that the garbage collector is looking at.

The bucket back-references are important because not all storage processes are immutable. For example, it is possible to overwrite a cartridge with another of the same id/version in some circumstances, but because Kate cannot guarantee that they’ll have the same content it has to use a different bucket for the new installation. This can result in a case where the bucket X points to cartridge A@v1, but cartridge A@v1 points back to a different bucket Y, allowing the bucket X to be safely garbage collected.

Ephemeral buckets from cartridges#

Cartridges are also able to spawn new ephemeral buckets into existence for their own storage needs. For example, a cartridge that needs to work with large archive files might choose to unpack those files to a bucket to keep memory usage bounded at reasonable levels, rather than increasing linearly with the archive size.

With this usage of ephemeral buckets our in-memory approach does not hold as well, since the Kernel and the cartridge processes run in different, isolated memory spaces. This is solved by putting a service between the file storage and the cartridge that manages buckets for that cartridge process specifically, and keeps them alive for as long as the process needs it to be alive — which in worst cases is until the process dies.

Further, we need to have bounds on the storage usage to prevent malicious or misbehaving cartridges from unfairly degrading the underlying storage. There’s no real one-size-fits-all here, as cartridges that a user run may have wildly different requirements, so this limit must be configurable by the user, though it should never exceed 60% of the Kate storage quota.

Formal semantics#

You can think of the file storage as a collection of reference-counted buckets holding arbitrary objects. Buckets cannot hold other buckets. Partitions are only used to give the GC a generational-ish behaviour where long-lived partitions don’t need to be scanned as often. It also helps with debugging. For that reason it’s not a part of the formal semantics, since it doesn’t affect the semantics of buckets and files.

type Ref r = uint;
type Store s = [{r1, b1}, ..., {rN, bN}]
type Bucket b = {bid :: unique, [f1, ..., fN]};
type File f = {fid :: unique, data :: bytes};

Store s ::
  | create-bucket() -> {bid, s2}
  | drop(bid) -> s2
  | copy(bid) -> s2
  | gc() -> s2
  | put-file(bid, bytes) -> {fid, s2}
  | read-file(bid, fid) -> bytes
  | delete-file(bid, fid) -> s2
  | has-file(bid, fid) -> bool

Reference-counted semantics are reflected here on the explicit drop and copy operations, which increase and decrease the reference counter respectively.

Bucket life-cycle#


s [...].create-bucket() =
  let Id = allocate-storage-with-unique-id();
  {Id, [{1, {Id, []}}, ...]}

That is, when we create a bucket we just reserve a unique identifier in the storage for it. There’s no possibility of giving buckets a recognisable name because the file storage is not meant for regular browsing, but rather just as a backing storage for different front-ends.

Note that buckets start their lifecycle with the reference counter set to 1, since we are holding onto the reference and passing it to the caller.


[].gc() = []

[{refs, {id, files}}, ...].gc() =
  if refs = 0:
  if refs > 0: [{refs, {id, files}}, ...[...].gc()]

That is, the GC process just goes through each bucket, checks their reference counter, and frees all buckets whose reference counters reached 0. At the end of this process the storage will only hold the list of buckets that are still alive.

Note that there’s no defined semantics for negative reference counters, the process would get stuck there, but a practical implementation must ensure that negative references are not possible.


s [{refs, {id, data}, ...}].drop(id) when refs > 0 =
  s [{refs - 1, {id, data}}, ...];

That is, drop() decreases the reference counter, but it is not defined for cases where it’s called on a bucket whose reference counter is already at zero.

A practical implementation must not let this happen: you cannot call a function on an object no one holds a reference to.


s [{refs, {id, data}, ...}].copy(id) when refs > 0 =
  s [{refs + 1, {id, data}}, ...];

Once again, copy() increases the reference counter, but it is not defined for cases where it’s called on a bucket whose reference counter is already at zero.

A practical implementation must not let this happen: you cannot call a funciton on an object no one holds a reference to.

File management#

s.put-file(bid, bytes)#

s [{refs, {id, [...]}}, ...].put-file(id, bytes) when refs > 0 =
  let File = unique-file-id();
  {File, s [{refs, {id, [{File, bytes}, ...], ...]};

That is, we allocate a new unique identifier for the file and store whatever raw bytes we’re provided in that space. We then return this file id.

As always, the bucket must be alive.

s.read-file(bid, fid)#

s [{refs, {id, [{fid, bytes}, ...]}}, ...].read-file(id, fid) when refs > 0 =

That is, we can retrieve the bytes associated with a given file id inside of the bucket as long as the bucket is alive, and the file exists in the bucket.

s.delete-file(bid, fid)#

s [{refs, {id, [{fid, _}, ...]}}, ...].delete-file(id, fid) when refs > 0 =
  s [{refs, {id, [...]}}, ...]

That is, we can delete a file in the bucket as long as the bucket is alive and the file exists in the bucket.

s.has-file(bid, fid)#

s [{refs, {id, [{fid, _}, ...]}}, ...].has-file(id, fid) when refs > 0 = true;
s [{refs, {id, [...]}}, ...].has-file(id, fid) when refs > 0 = false;

That is, a file exists when we can find it in the bucket. Note that this operation requires the bucket to exist and be alive none the less.

How is this feature dangerous?#

Kate uses the file storage for critical components, and thus its correct working depends on it. Here we consider risks from users’, cartridges’, and Kate’s perspectives.

Files being removed while they’re needed:

Because GC is an automatic storage reclamation process, there’s a risk that a bug in the GC would lead to corrupted console data in various levels, including complete failure to boot.

Kate mitigates this in two ways: one, it only uses the file storage for non-kernel components (so boot is always possible); two, it uses a uses persistent references to keep long-lived buckets from being reclaimed, and relies on the browser’s GC to keep track of reference aliasing.

That said, bugs in the file storage’s reference counter and GC are still problematic. A stable version of Kate should at least look into stochastic validation of the algorithm as well (e.g.: by checking against a reference implementation), given that persistent keys are managed manually.

Corrupted files:

Because files are written in a non-transactional fashion to the underlying storage, there’s a risk that a failure of the storage or device could lead to corrupted data.

Kate does not mitigate this in the file storage directly, however more sensitive parts (e.g.: cartridge data) hold both signatures and integrity hashes for the stored data. Furthermore, we rely on the browser implementation of the file storage to smooth out other underlying file system issues, though the specifics are not covered by the specification.

Storage filling attacks:

Because the file storage is intended to be used from cartridges, there’s a risk that a malicious or misbehaving cartridge might fill the user’s device storage in an unfair manner.

File storage is subject to similar quotas as the object storage, and thus users are in control of how much space they wish to allow a cartridge to use.

Unintended access to files:

Because the file storage is shared between all processes in Kate, there’s a risk that a malicious cartridge may get access to someone else’s buckets.

While the file storage itself does not implement any access control, it’s only exposed directly to the Kate kernel, and front-ends to it that are exposed to cartridges are expected to maintain the proper quota and access controls themselves. Persistent keys provide the primitive means to do so.

References and additional material#