#A0003 — Device file access#





Last updated:



PoC in progress


First draft

Proof of Concept

Stable implementation



While games don’t need access to files outside of what’s included in the cartridge, Kate is also a platform for running regular applications and game development tools (such as Kate Importer or Kate Studio) need to read files from the device’s file system.

We want to make sure that any operations accessing user data has the proper security and privacy controls and feedback in place, and they also allow users to revoke access immediately at any time. To that end all such accesses must go through a Kate-controlled API. In the case of device files, this document introduces the Device File Access API.

The Device File Access API provides a baseline of operations on files and directories. It’s guided by the same principles of active and informed consent that permeate other Kate features: processes are only granted restricted access to files users agree to let them read.

Technical implementation#

The Device File Access API is similar to the web’s File Access API and Crochet’s file system package, in that we rely on contextual grants for file capabilities and provide individual file objects that can be used to further access objects under them.

Cartridges and Kate processes can ask for the API object, which is a passive grant if they have the Device File Access capability granted. They can then use any of the entry-point methods in this API to request access to a specific node in the file system tree. Nodes can be directories or files — the API does not provide any concept of links or devices.

Nodes are represented as either a file or a directory object. These are membranes exposed to outside processes, and all actual operations happen within the Device File Access API. This means that capabilities are still checked upon each read, write, or similar operation; users must have both the object capability to the node and the general capability to use the Device File Access API for all operations to succeed.

Handles are not persistent: they’re gone as soon as the process is closed. Every time the process is re-opened, it needs to request the capabilities to the nodes again.

For this implementation, all file operations are atomic and synchronous. This increases the memory requirements of Kate, but streaming and random access APIs require more thought.

Formal semantics#

The entire Device File Access API is governed by a simple core language based on a file system tree. This language is described as follows:

type File f { path :: Pathname, data }

type Pathname p ::
  | Root
  | Join { segment :: string, parent :: p }

type FileFilter = {
  multiple: boolean = false;
  strict: boolean = true;
  types: {
    description: string;
    accept: {[mime: string]: string[]}

DeviceFiles fs ::
  | fs.request-file(FileFilter) -> {ok, [f1, ..., fN]} | error
  | fs.request-directory() -> {ok, [f1, ..., fN]} | error

File f ::
  | n.relative-path() -> Pathname
  | f.read() -> Bytes

Thus a user of this API starts by getting access to a DeviceFiles instance. From there they may request access to a collection of files, or to a directory. These result in File handles which then allow the user to read files in the underlying device file system — the files are a snapshot at the time they’re requested.

Symbolic and hard links are followed during this navigation. However, users only have access to the path of the file relative to the top-most directory they have been given access to.

Requesting capabilities#

Users start with no access to any file. They must first request contextual grants to specific file or directory nodes.


  • Show a file picker where:

    • Users can select multiple entries if filter.multiple is true;

    • Users can select files matching the provided mime-type filters; and

    • Users may select any non-mime-type matching file if filter.strict is false;

    • The selectable files does not include system data — only user data must be selectable.

  • If the user selects a file:

    • Return a list of File handles for the selected files.

  • Otherwise:

    • Return a generic access failure.


  • Show a directory picker where selectable directories do not include system data — only user data must be selectable.

  • If the user selects a directory:

    • Return a list of File handles for all files contained within the selected directory which are not system data;

  • Otherwise:

    • Return a generic access failure.

File metadata#

Given any File handle we can get some metadata about it. Metadata from a file will never allow one to get a more privileged node than the one the operation was called on.


File{path = P}.relative-path() = P;

A relative path is just a sequence of segments starting from the node we’re in, and following the parent chain until the root directory that granted access to this file. This means that pathnames are canonically in reverse form. E.g.: a path like some/directory/file.txt would be represented as Join {"file.txt", Join {"directory", Join {"some", Root}}}.

File operations#

Given a File handle, the user can only retrieve its contents.


File{data = D}.read() when has(file_access) = D

That is, if we read from a file handle then we synchronously get access to all of the binary data stored at that node, as long as we still have the file_access capability.

How is this feature dangerous?#

Device File Access API is a high risk API which provides cartridges with read-only access to files or directories selected by the user. In that sense it poses considerable privacy and security risks in the hands of a malicious cartridge. We consider risks from the Kernel, Device, Cartridge, and Users’ perspective here.

Leaking sensitive data:

The API provides access to user data and cannot make any guarantees about contents. Further, as it relies on browser file pickers in the web, it cannot show the user a preview of the contents before they’re shared. This means that a malicious cartridge can trick users into giving them access to sensitive data, if the user cannot understand what they’re sharing.

This is particularly a problem with directory requests, where all files inside of a directory are shared. For people who primarily grew up with mobile operating systems, the concept of directory trees might even be entirely foreign, further making it hard for them to make any reasonable risk assessment.

For web Kate we rely on the browser’s mitigations. For native Kate we mitigate with a separate confirmation step in the directory access case.

Tree privilege escalation:

Because the API provides access to directories, symbolic links within it could be used to escalate access to a directory outside of the subtree that the user granted access to.

We rely on the browser’s mitigation for symbolic links and do not include grants to links in native Kate.

Access to hidden files:

Because OS file pickers may not show hidden files by default, it’s possible that a user grants access to a directory that contains files they never meant to grant access to.

We rely on the same mitigation as that for sensitive data to cover hidden files.

Direct access to devices:

Because some OSs (e.g.: Linux) expose devices as files, it’s possible that a user grants access to a file or directory that is backed by a device, and hence grant the cartridge direct read access to that device’s data.

We mitigate this by only allowing users to select user-data files and directories. Browsers have a similar mitigation for device files.

Additional references#