#K0007 — Secure key store#





Last updated:



Design in progress


First draft

Proof of Concept

Stable implementation



Kate maintains an internal key store that holds parties the player has trusted before, as well as their own sets of keys, if they happen to be a developer.

See #K0006 — Cartridge signatures.

Formal semantics#

A key store is a set of keys stored by domain. Public keys are stored in SPKI format, while private keys are stored in PKCS8 format, encrypted using a AES-GCM key derived from the user’s master password.

This gives rise to the following language:

Key k :: Private {key, iv, pair_fp}
       | Public {key}

Trust t :: personal | publisher | trusted

Domain d :: a kate developer domain (`subdomain*.domain.tld`)

Store s :: {salt, check, {{t, d, k}, ...}}

Operation op ::
  | s.add(t, d, k)
  | s.delete(t, d, k)
  | s.get(d)
  | s.export(k)
  | s.sign(k, m)
  | s.verify(k, m)

The primitive operations on the store are adding, deleting, and retrieving keys, as well as exporting keys (which pushes them to an external format). Stores have their own salt and a byte check hash value so we can both derive the same encryption key from the user’s password and verify that the password is correct (by decrypting byte check hash).


s.add(t, d, k) when {t, d, fp(k)} is not in the store =
  {{t, d, pack(k, s.salt)}, ...s}

pack(Private {key, pair_id}, salt) =
  let iv = csprng(12 bytes)
  let secret = ask for the user master password
  let crypt-key = derive an AES-GCM key from {PBKDF2 secret, salt}
  wrap 'key' using 'crypt-key', PKCS8 format, and iv
  Private {key, iv, pair_id}

pack(Public {key}, _) =
  export 'key' using SPKI format

fp(k) = SHA-1 of k

That is, to add a key to the store we make sure that we don’t yet have that key in the store (matching the trust level, the domain, and fingerprint), then we export the key to a binary format and, in the case of private keys, encrypt it with an AES key derived from the store’s master password.

Private keys have their initialisation vector generated anew every time they’re stored, and they also hold a pointer to the public key through its stable fingerprint.


s.delete(t, d, k) =
  s without {t, d, k}

That is, delete is a filter operation that simply gets rid of the key at that trust/domain level.


s.get(d) =
  s with only {_, d, _}

That is, get is a filter operation that leaves only keys at the given domain.


s.export(Public {key}) =

s.export(Private {key, stored-iv, _}) =
  let secret = ask for the user master password
  let crypt-key = derive an AES-GCM key from {PBKDF2 secret, s.salt}
  let raw-key = unwrap 'key' using 'crypt-key', PKCS8 format, and stored-iv

  let iv = csprng(12 bytes)
  let salt = crprng(16 bytes)
  let export-secret = ask for an export encryption password
  let export-key = derive an AES-GCM key from {PBKDF2 secret, salt}
  let bkp-key = wrap 'raw-key' using 'export-key', PKCS8 format, and iv
  {iv, salt, bkp-key}

That is, exporting a public key is straightforward, as we just take the binary representation in SPKI and turn that into its PEM representation.

Exporting a private key is a bit more involved: we decrypt the key with the store’s master password, then re-encrypt the key with a newly provided password. The exported key is then stored alongside its initialisation vector and password salt so it the encryption key can be re-derived from the storage.

s.sign(key, m)#

s.sign(Private {key, iv}, m) =
  let secret = ask for the store's master password
  let crypt-key = derive an AES-GCM key from {PBKDF2 secret, s.salt}
  let sign-key = unwrap 'key' using 'crypt-key', PKCS8 format, and iv
  ecdsa-sign("P-384", sign-key, m)

That is, in order to sign a message with a key, we first decrypt it using the store’s master password, then we sign the message with the underlying key.

The store only supports keys for ECDSA with P-384 curves, so no additional algorithm information is present in the message signing itself.

s.verify(key, m)#

s.verify(Public {key}, m) =
  ecdsa-verify("P-384", key, m)

Verifying a message with a public key has straightforward: we perform the necessary ECDSA signature verification using the underlying cryptographic algorithm.

The store only supports keys for ECDSA with P-384 curves, so no additional algorithm information is present in the message verification itself.