Basics of porting#

The web-archive runtime supports running games originally made for a web browser in Kate by using a combination of emulation and code translation, as long as all the data required to run the game can be found in the cartridge.

A game using the web-archive runtime must provide at least one HTML page for Kate to load when the player runs the cartridge. From there Kate figures out how to run the rest of the game. The rest of this page describes all these processes in details.

Kate vs. the web#

Web games are not much different from a regular web site. You use your browser to navigate to some location on the internet, say, your browser asks the server at the end of this address for the contents it needs to load, and then proceeds to display the contents to you.

The contents are likely a HTML page; a structured documentent that contains text, and may contain code and other interactive elements. Most HTML pages are not self-contained, but rather include references to external resources within it. For example, a page that includes images may do so using:

<img src="backgrounds/room.png">

From this piece of code the browser does not have enough information to display the image itself. So it has to once again ask the server for the contents of This cycle repeats until the browser has finished loading all external content referenced from the HTML page.

Not all external references are known from loading the page, however. Games will often include code that, dynamically, decides to load even more external content. Say, a game that features character customisation might ask the server for the contents of depending on a particular clothing choice from the player.

This is incidentally why “save page as…” in the browser will most likely not result in a playable game—the browser has no way of knowing all the data the game will need in the future because it is only made aware of them at the moment the player hits a certain point in the game.

Besides the need for a server to answer these requests for data, browsers also heavily rely on the origin of an address (in this case the part) for security. It would be quite terrible if accessing the above game allowed it to see information stored by your bank, or social network, or any other site, really.

Kate has neither of these things: there are no servers, and because there are no servers, there are also no origins. Kate games must be fully self-contained and work entirely offline. This disconnect means that web games cannot run directly in Kate.

Instead of requiring you to rewrite your entire game to work in Kate, however, we take a different approach: Kate tricks the HTML page included in the cartridge to think it’s running in a real web browser, with the origin it thinks should be the right one. It does this by emulating web APIs and using code translation.

Static code translation#

When Kate loads the web page described by the cartridge as the game’s entry point it needs to do two things:

  • Make sure the page has access to all Kate APIs. If we don’t do this then players wouldn’t even be able to interact with the game, because the cartridge’s screen never gets “real” focus.

  • Handle any external resource referenced in the page. If we don’t do this then the page cannot be correctly loaded, since it won’t have anywhere to ask the data from (there are no servers involved).

Both of these are handled by performing a static code translation. That is, Kate will read the page’s code, and then modify that code before loading it. The intent of this code modification is to get rid of any external references that exist in the code (by pointing it to data in the cartridge instead), and to load the Kate APIs code in the cartridge process.

The Kate APIs are injected at the very beginning of the page, so they’re always loaded before any other code. Along with the APIs there is some code that is needed to establish the communication between the cartridge process and the Kernel process, and to describe to the cartridge which resolution it’s running at.

The resolution of external references is a bit more involved. Kate will:

  • Inline all scripts referenced in the page. That is, something like:

    <script src="scripts/main.js"></script>


      // contents of scripts/main.js
  • Inline all external CSS referenced in the page. Similar to the script translation, but transforming link tags into style ones, with the CSS contents in them.

    When translating CSS, Kate will also resolve all external references in the CSS files. That is, a CSS file that contains things like:

    @import url("theme.css");
    .main {
      background: url("bg.png");

    Will end up like:

    // inlined contents of theme.css
    .main {
      background: url("data:image/png;base64,...")

    Because Kate must be able to fully inline images and fonts in this case, the cartridge will fail to load at this stage if the file is too big to fit in a Data URL (at the time of writing, this is 32 MB in Firefox).

  • Inline all non-CSS external link tags using Data URLs;

  • Inline all small (less than 1 MB) images, audio, and videos using Data URLs;

  • Inject code to lazily load all large (more than 1 MB) images, audio, and videos using the Cartridge File System API.


The code translator does not yet handle inline CSS. This has some unfun implications for Twine games and will be fixed in the next version.

Kate also does not support srcset references, and there are no plans to support them currently. It’s unclear if games benefit from and use srcset in the same way websites might.

Dynamic emulation#

Because games are not limited to static external resources found in the initial HTML, but may rather load more data with JavaScript, or depend on specific web APIs being available, Kate also offers a way of emulating these behaviours when running the cartridge.

Emulation is done by injecting in the cartridge, during the initial static code translation phase, additional code snippets that replaces the standard web APIs with an implementation of similar behaviour using Kate’s APIs instead. These code snippets are called Bridges, and cartridges must opt-in for them, since they impact performance in general.

For example, if a cartridge opts in for the Network Proxy bridge, Kate will inject code that allows APIs such as fetch, or dynamically setting the src property of an image, to read data from the cartridge file system instead of making a network request.

That is, when the following code is run:

const config = await (await fetch("/config.json")).json();
const bg = new Image();
bg.src = config.background_image;

It will have equivalent behaviour to the following code, but without any code changes by the cartridge author:

const text_decoder = new TextDecoder();
const config_file = await KateAPI.cart_fs.read_file("/config.json");
const config = JSON.parse(text_decoder.decode(config_file.bytes));
const bg = new Image();
bg.src = await KateAPI.cart_fs.get_file_url(config.background_image);