
Games made with Godot can run on Kate when using the HTML5 export option.


Only games exported with Godot 3 are currently supported due to some requirements in games exported with Godot 4 that are disabled until some outstanding security issues can be addressed.

Build configuration#

The minimal configuration for a Godot game looks like this:

  "id": "my-namespace/my-game",
  "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0},
  "metadata": {
    "presentation": {
      "author": "Me",
      "title": "My Game",
      "tagline": "A godot game"
  "platform": {
    "type": "web-archive",
    "html": "my_game.html",
    "recipe": {
      "type": "godot",
      "version": "3",
      "pointer_support": true,
      "hide_cursor": false

This assumes that you’ve exported your Godot game to a file called my_game.html.

Bridges used#

This recipe includes the following bridges:

  "bridges": [
    { "type": "network-proxy", "sync_access": ["*.js"] },
    { "type": "keyboard-input-proxy-v2", "mapping": "defaults", "selector": "#canvas" },
    { "type": "pointer-input-proxy", "selector": "#canvas", "hide_cursor": false },
    { "type": "capture-canvas", "selector": "#canvas" },
    { "type": "preserve-webgl-render" }

The point-input-proxy depends on whether you’ve enabled pointer_support in your recipe configuration or not. If your game uses other features and APIs, you might need to specify additional bridges in the platform section, as usual; those will take precedence over the default recipe configuration.

Included files#

By default the recipe will include all files that are generated for a default Godot project. If you need other files, you’ll have to include them in the files section manually.

The default file patterns are:

  "files": [