events — Event handling#

Some Kate APIs are event-driven, where data is pushed to you rather than pulled from your code. The events API provides the basic support for Kate events and exposes events that are sent from the Kernel process.

Event streams#

Kate uses its own class to represent discrete event streams. You can subscribe to events in the stream and cancel a subscription at a later point in time.


Represents a subscription to an event, used to cancel the subscription at a later point.


Represents a stream of discrete events. This class is not exposed, so it’s not possible to create instances of it yourself.

EventStream.listen(fn: Type -> void) Subscription#

fn – The function to call when an event happens.

Subscribes to events from this stream. fn will be called with the event data each time an event happens until the subscription is cancelled.

EventStream.remove(subscription: Subscription) EventStream#

subscription – The subscription to cancel.

Cancels a previously registered subscription, if it’s still active, otherwise this does nothing. After it’s called the subscription will not receive further events from the stream.

EventStream.once(fn: Type -> void) Subscription#

fn – The function to call when an event happens.

A convenience to listen() which automatically cancels the subscription after it receives one event.