Network proxy#

The network proxy bridge translates all GET HTTP requests on the same origin into read calls to the Cartridge File System API. There is no configuration for this bridge.

Using in your build configuration#

To add this bridge to your cartridge, you specify the following in your kate.json configuration:

  "bridges": [
      "type": "network-proxy",
      "sync_access": []

The sync_access list is a series of Glob patterns for files that should be loaded synchronously, which is required by some game engines.

Requests handled#

This bridge handles requests that are specified only as a pathname. It can handle requests both with the HTTP client APIs (XMLHttpRequest and fetch), and the more implicit ones when referencing an external resource in e.g.: an Image, Audio, or Video.

For example, given:

const image = new Image();
image.src = "/sprites/girl.png";

The bridge will patch the HTMLImageElement src setter to interpret the path as the following:

const image = new Image();
const path = await KateAPI.cart_fs.get_file_url("/sprites/girl.png");
image.src = path;

Because the bridge only patches the src setter, the following will not be handled, and the cartridge will fail to load the image due to being blocked from making network requests:

const image = new Image();
image.setAttribute("src", "/sprites/girl.png");

When it comes down to XMLHttpRequest, the bridge patches the open and send methods. This means that the API remains the same, but when you call open the method will internally translate the given path into a blob URL. The send call will then hit the blob URL and immediately return.

The same is true for fetch, but in this case the bridge just replaces the function with a patched version that translates URLs it’s given before invoking the built-in fetch on the translated URL.

Non-handled requests#

This bridge does not do anything special to blob URLs or data URLs. It also just passes through any URL for a different origin, which will then be blocked by the browsers’ Content Security Policy set for the cartridge.

HTML handling#

Currently this bridge only handles APIs that result in immediate HTTP requests once called. However, it’s possible to create HTML elements that will, once added to the document, cause multiple HTTP requests to be sent.

For example:

1const element = document.createElement("div");
2element.innerHTML = `
3  <link href="/game.css">
4  <script src="/game.js"></script>

In this case no HTTP request happens until line 6, where two HTTP requests will be fired at some point, to game.css and game.js respectively. Potentially more if game.css references external resources. The bridge does not yet handle these cases, and this causes things like Twine games to not work properly. This will be fixed in a future version, no changes will be needed in cartridges created before the fix.

“Synchronous” requests#

Some engines, such as RPG Maker MV, require certain assets to be loaded synchronously. Most other engines are generally fully asynchronous and need no special handling for asset loading, but they might use WebWorkers for performance, and that might need some JavaScript to be loaded synchronously.

Because all cartridge data lives outside of the cartridge process, loading this data synchronously is not really possible. As a middle ground, the network proxy bridge lets you pre-load a set of files at the time the cartridge is being loaded in the console; this allows us to mimic synchronous requests for these files, satisfying the needs of these game engines without needing to change any code in them.

You specify which assets will be pre-loaded by providing a list of Glob patterns in the network proxy configuration. For example, RPG Maker MV expects both tilesets and plugins to be loaded synchronously, so a configuration like the following would make everything work as expected:

  "type": "network-proxy",
  "sync_access": [


Note that this should only be used for the cases where there’s no other way of loading these resources. All assets matching the patterns you specify here will be loaded immediately when you open the cartridge, and they will be stored passed to the cartridge process in a less performant format.

This means that if you specify a lot of big files in the patterns, your game will need a large amount of memory just to start itself (this memory requirement will never go down), and it’ll take considerably longer for your game to start.