#F0002 — KART cartridges#





Last updated:



Design in progress


First draft

Proof of Concept

Stable implementation



Applications in Kate are distributed as a single binary blob containing all of the data that is needed to execute the application. There are a few properties we are interested in for such format:

  • Direct execution: It should be possible (but not mandatory!) to execute the application directly from the binary blob without loading all of it in memory at once. Blobs for games can easily be several gigabytes in size.

  • Bounded memory codecs: Related to the requirement above, it should be possible to decode and encode cartridge blobs while using bounded memory, but not necessarily constant memory.

  • Rich metadata: It should be possible to encode rich metadata about the application, as Kate uses this to enable displaying and searching for cartridges in the console and the catalog.

  • Multiparty whole-cartridge signatures: It should be possible to sign the whole cartridge by multiple signees. We expect authors to sign their own cartridges to ensure provision, but we may also require a “trusted signee” to allow access to more powerful features like network access — this would allow veto signatures from trusted independent auditors.

  • Block integrity checking: It should be possible to check that the contents of the cartridge have not been corrupted even when no signature is present.

  • Backwards compatibility: It should be possible to amend the schema for the cartridge without invalidating previous cartridges. A cartridge released for Kate must be decodable by all future versions of the console, otherwise we would fail the goal of being a platform for video-game preservation.

  • Forward evolution: It should be possible to distribute cartridges made with a version X of the schema, and get a clear error indicating that the user needs to upgrade their console to version Y in order to decode the cartridge.

Towards that end, Kate cartridges (.KART files) are an uncompressed archive format that ending with a metadata blob and content location tables.

Technical summary#

Kate cartridges are a binary archive format comprised of four sections:

-- The schema signature magic bytes + version
0x0000    K A R T
0x0004    version: uint32                   -- the LJT schema version used

-- The binary file contents
0x0000    count: uint32                     -- the number of files
0x0004    size: uint32                    \
0x0008    file contents (up to `size`)    | -- repeated for each file

-- The metadata blob
0x0000    LJT encoding of `Metadata` record (magic-less)

-- The header blob
0x0000    LJT encoding of `Header` record (magic-less)

For the LJT specification, see #F0001 — The LJT language. All numbers in the cartridge are encoded using little-endian encoding, and all of them have a fixed size.

The current LJT schema used is version 6. You can find all LJT schemas in the ‘schema’ package in Kate’s repository.

The most relevant portions of this schema, for decoding, are the Header type and the file and signature tables in the Metadata type. They have approximately the following shape:

type Header {
  minimum-kate-version: {
    major: uint32
    minor: uint32
    patch: uint32
  metadata-location: {
    offset: uint64
    size: uint64
  content-location {
    offset: uint64
    size: uint64

type Metadata {
  // ...(other fields omitted)
  files: Array<{
    path: text
    mime: text
    integrity: raw-bytes
    hash-algorithm: Sha-512 (as a LJT record)
    offset: uint64
    size: uint32    (individual files always limited to 4GB)
  signature: Array<{
    signed-by: text
    key-id: text;
    signature: raw-bytes

The process of encoding a Kate cartridge starts by first writing all of the files to the archive (and keeping track of their metadata), then writing the cartridge metadata which includes a location table to each file giving their offset in the archive and an integrity hash. Lastly, the Header section is written which gives information on where the metadata and file blobs are.

The process of decoding a Kate cartridge will generally start by looking at the Header at the end of the file, then decoding the Metadata section, then using the file location table in the metadata to decode individual files at their specified offsets. While a Kate cartridge can also be decoded in a stream fashion, from beginning to end, it would not be possible to do integrity checks in this manner as that data is only present in the metadata blob.

Note that the signature is only present in the metadata blob, and it only signs the metadata blob (with an empty signature list). That means files are not signed directly, but their integrity hash in the content location table is.

Reference codecs#

The codec modules in the ‘schema’ package act as a reference implementation for the blob decoding. The LJT VM is the reference implementation for encoding and decoding the LJT sections of the file.

Direct execution#

Kate cartridges can be executed directly from the binary blob, as long as the IO device supports random-access to parts of the blob. For IO devices that only support streaming, the blob must be decoded into individual components and stored somewhere that allows access to the individual components prior to executing it — streaming execution is not possible and not a goal.

Here we start by decoding the Header section of the cartridge, then we find and decode the Metadata section which contains information about which runtime to use to execute the cartridge and a file location table for all the (read-only) contents of the cartridge.

By loading the runtime and feeding it the file location table, the runtime can then pick the files it needs from the given offsets in the cartridge blob without needing a separate pass where those files are written to another storage location.

Bounded memory codecs#

Kate cartridge blobs require at most max(block-size...) bytes of memory to decode, but there’s no constant number that can be used to pre-allocate a single decoding buffer. Each block has different sizes, either indicated at the start of the block, as it’s the case with files, or in the Header location table, as it’s the case with the Metadata block. The Header location table itself is fixed-size, but that size might change between schema versions.

Rich metadata#

The Metadata section includes information on how to uniquely identify the cartridge, as well as how to present it, how to classify it, its legally binding documents, accessibility provisions, security requirements, and how to execute the cartridge application (allowing for different runtimes to use the same archive format).

Because these only have their semantic defined by the interpreter of the cartridge, we don’t discuss them in this document. How Kate interprets these fields is described in Cartridges and Configuration files.

Multi-party, whole cartridge signatures#

The primary purpose of Kate cartridge signatures is to ensure that the cartridge was made by whoever is distributing it, and that entity has ownership over the domain they specified in the cartridge identification. Because Kate cartridges are not required to be distributed in a central place, a malicious attacker could publish a cartridge named qteati.me/cute-game with outrageous capability requests and trick people into thinking that comes from the maintainers of Kate. Signatures are primarily a means to avoid this situation, by tying the signature key to the domain.

The secondary goal of signatures is to allow independent “vouching” for a cartridge, particularly ones that require powerful capabilities. For example, you might not immediately trust a cartridge asking for network access if it comes from a developer you never consumed things from before. But if a person you trust vouched for them, you would be more likely to trust it.

The signature block in the cartridge metadata supports both of these goals. Each signature includes the signee and the signature. The signee is a domain name which is then used to find which public keys are associated with it. The signature succeeds in being verified if the specified public keys for that signee can verify it.

Note that we only sign and verify the metadata binary (with an empty signature list). This is enough to indicate a high degree of trust that the cartridge does belong to the sources it specifies, and has been vouched for by the people listed in the signatures. Signature verification however does not prevent a cartridge from being executed — that would be problematic for the goal of video game preservation, particularly given how Kate ties it to ephemeral domain names. It’s only another indication for players to take into account when choosing whether to grant capabilities or not, but capabilities remain the only damage-mitigation security feature that Kate provides.

Verifying signatures by signee allows us to partially verify a cartridge and show that to players as well, when aiding them in assessing the risk of granting capabilities.

Block integrity checking#

The metadata section in the cartridge includes integrity hashes for all of the files in the cartridge. By decoding the meta-data first a program is able to verify the files as they decode them. By decoding the meta-data last, a program is able to verify the files after-the-fact, as long as the program writes them to some temporary storage.

In both cases the cartridge files can be checked for corruption. The metadata and header blocks do not have an integrity hash, and so cannot be checked for corruption in the same manner. Signature verification in the metadata blob is a stronger indication of integrity, but requires the public key to be available for testing.

Kate cartridge blobs have no self-correcting error mechanism. We expect the underlying file storage to provide that. And in the case of network transfers of cartridge blobs, we expect the protocol to ensure integrity, or that this is verified with an out-of-band integrity hash of the whole cartridge binary.

Backwards compatibility and forwards evolution#

Kate cartridges use a versioned LJT schema for most parts. LJT itself specifies backwards compatibility through versioning and patching semantics, so you need to read the LJT specification (#F0001 — The LJT language) to understand that in more details.

Forwards evolution is a bit trickier. The schema version does tell the program that the cartridge cannot be decoded, but it does not really tell the user what they have to do to fix that. To address this the header is stable across versions and contains the minimum Kate version needed to decode the cartridge. This addresses the issue from the users’ perspective, but only for Kate itself.